The Book Sieve
Our Motivation
Fostering the Love of Reading
Our Goals
This website offers ratings for selected books as a measure of how clean their content is. Additionally, we publish book reviews, discussions, and spotlights on books. Works from all genres are included. Any book with LGBTQ content will not be reviewed. We realize that great literary works can include this content and our ratings in no way imply that such works are not good books. It is our understanding that what others might consider acceptable is not for us because of our faith and so we steer clear of such topics.
How are books selected?
The Book Sieve selects books for rating and review from the bestsellers, prize winners, and new releases on the market. There is no specific criterion. The book reviews published provide the clean content rating of the book and also include detail of content that might be considered inappropriate. We also receive advance review copies (ARC) from publishers and authors directly and through NetGalley in return for an unbiased review. A book review states if the book was received as an ARC where relevant.